How To Become A Member
Firstly, a big welcome!
It's great news that you are thinking of joining!
You are very welcome to attend an event without any commitment.
Otherwise, if you have any questions or want to know more about the society, and whether it might be for you, please don't hesitate to ask any committee member, or send us an email:
Alternatively, fill in this form and bring it along to the next meeting or email it to:
Annual Membership Fees
Membership of the society, which runs from September to September, is:
£70 if you join between September and December
£35 if you join from January onwards
This averages out at about £2 a meeting, with free tea and coffee provided.
Payment should be made to:
- Account Name: RPS
- Sort Code: 20-88-13 (Barclays)
- Account Number: 93883086
Please use your name as the reference.
Note: We ask members to bring their own cups to keep the costs down. If you forget and need a paper cup we would ask for a donation into the honesty box: 40p is recommended.
What's Included in Membership?
As a Member of RPS, you can:
- Attend meetings at our Reigate venue on Mondays from September to May. These include:
- competitions
- presentations from external experts
Join any zoom meetings held by the club
Join courses and take part in our mentoring programme for beginners and improvers
Be assigned a dedicated mentor on request
Gain access to our web tuition pages
Get advice on attaining photographic distinctions with the Royal Photographic Society and other bodies
Participate in our monthly themed competitions
Attend monthly trips with other members to places of photographic interest
Attend our monthly informal meet-ups at Denbies Wine Estate near Dorking. These take place on the first Saturday of each month at 10:30am, and are held in the main cafeteria area. A great way to meet other members over a coffee and chat about photography or anything else!
Take part in all print and digital image competitions (with separate classes for beginners and advanced photographers)
Who Does What Within the Society?
Nick Rogers: Committee Chairman, usually starts off the meeting, and has keys to the hall
Tim Markey - Committee, Contact for new members.
Paul Renaut - Committee, Programme organiser(can also start off the meetings sometimes, has keys to the hall)
Louise Barker - Committee, together with Paul organises the main programme for the season.
Rob Tweed - Projection team leader and PDI display software developer, and web site designer/ technical specialist
Phil Johns - Committee, organiser of the annual exhibition and also our displays at various locations (like the Belfry shopping Centre).
Steve Farrington - Committee, Competition Secretary. Admninistrates Internal Competitions. Ensures that Reigate's best images are entered into external competitions. Steve also looks after all our print competitions
Robert McGregor - Committee
Mark Morley - Committee (He's the one on the right)
Jill Flower - Committee
John Gall - Coaching/mentoring co-ordinator
Pete Welch - General assistant
Other Key People
Steve Lawrenson: Steve is our representative in the Surrey Photographic Association (SPA), an SPA judge and sometimes wise council
Don Morley: Don is also a SPA judge and an ex-professional photographer
Fellows of Reigate Photographic Society
Our Fellows of the Society are recognised for their long-term support of the Society
- Don Morley
- Steve Lawrenson
- Carol Hicks
- Lester Hicks
Club Roles and Committee: 2024-25 season
Nick Rogers: Chairman, usually starts off the meetings
Louise Barker: Secretary
Nick Rogers / Sammie Groves: Treasurer i.e. holds the purse strings
Tim Markey: Contact for new members.
Phil Johns: Organises our annual exhibition and also our revolving displays at various locations, such as the Belfry Shopping Centre
Paul Renaut: Puts together the main programme for the season
Louise Barker: Handles the entries to our print competitions and awards
Rob Tweed: Projection team leader, including coordination of PDI competition. Web Site technical support
Steve Farrington: Competition Secretary. Administrates internal competitions. Ensures that Reigate's best images are entered into external competitions
Jill Flower: General
Robert McGregor
Mark Morley
TBA: Publicity, printing
Reigate Photographic Society Constitution
The Society shall be called the Reigate Photographic Society.
The aims of the Society are to promote and encourage photographic knowledge and practice.
The Society will:
Organise, promote and provide an annual program of photographic activities and events.
Liaise with other local, regional, and national photographic organizations and related societies.
Membership: is open to any person, without nomination, interested in promoting and encouraging photographic knowledge and practice. All members will pay an annual subscription and are entitled to participate in all the activities of the Society, including internal and external competitions, and vote at General Meetings.
The committee may propose and the club chooses to appoint up to five Fellows initially for a period of five years who normally undertake such voluntary duties as presenting annual awards, welcoming special visitors, etc. The post recognizes the longstanding commitment made by individuals to the running of society as well as the wider photographic community.
Membership subscriptions shall become payable at the first meeting of the Season.
The Season runs from 1st September to 31st August.
Subscription rates shall be determined annually by the committee and approved at the Society's Annual General Meeting.
Full Member: pays the full annual subscription.
Fellow Member: may opt to pay 50% of full membership subscription if she/he doesn't compete in competitions
Young Member: any person under the age of 25 years not in full time employment pays a reduced subscription. Under 16s to be accompanied by a parent/carer.
- The Committee:
Shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Society after nomination on a form provided by the Secretary 21 days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
Shall consist of ten or more members comprising the Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Club Secretary, Membership Secretary, Programme Secretary, External Competition and Internal Competition secretaries, Exhibition Secretary, Publicity Secretary, Projection secretary.
The Chair shall be appointed by AGM for a period of up to three years. The Chair may remain in the role beyond three years if members agree to a 12-month extension at AGM.All Members of the Committee, including the Chair, shall stand for re-election each year.
50% of Members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.
May elect holders of honorary positions for a limited period. Any holder of these positions may be re-elected but not vote in committee.
- Duties of the Committee:
To manage the affairs of the Society.
To accept or terminate Membership. Membership may be terminated for non-payment of subscriptions, gross misconduct, or bringing the Society into disrepute.
To review and determine categories and benefits of Membership annually.
To review and amend annually, as necessary, the rules of the Society.
To organize a program of activities and events in accordance with the aims of the Society.
To take responsibility for control and maintenance of equipment and for the security of equipment.
To authorize the Treasurer to pay ad hoc expenses.
To deal with any matters affecting the Society not provided for in this constitution.
- The Committee may:
Co-opt Members to fill committee vacancies arising during the Season.
Invite an adviser to work with the Committee for such time as may be considered appropriate.
- Duties of Officers of the Society:
Chair: The spokesperson for the Society. Conducts General Meetings and Committee meetings. Ensures proper functioning of the committee. Organises SPA and other external competition entries (both individual and club events).
Vice-Chair: Deputises for the Chair.
Treasurer: Manages the Society's finances within budget and on terms agreed from time to time by the Committee. Receives all other monies due to the Society and arranges for payments on the Society's behalf. Produces a Statement of Accounts including a Balance Sheet and an Income and Expenditure Account from the end of the Financial Year to 31st May. Arranges for the accounts to be examined. Receives subscriptions and non-member fees, and maintains accurate records of existing Members.
Club Secretary: Ensures that minutes of General and Committee meetings are taken. Conducts correspondence. Holds official records of the Society.
Programme Secretary: Administers the Season's program. Organizes a program for the next Season. Submits reports from time to time.
Competition Secretary: Organises competitions for the Society, i.e., both external (e.g. SPA competitions) and internal. Ensures that records are kept and published of Members' entries and awards in all classes. The Competition Secretary will be assisted by a sub-committee team for internal competitions.
Exhibition Secretary: Arranges an Annual Exhibition, and such other Exhibitions as from time to time be determined, of Members' work.
Publicity Secretary: Ensures the activities of the Society are given wide and proper publicity.
Other Committee Members: Work in consultation with the Committee.
The Committee may appoint from the Membership of the Society the following Sub-Committees: -
Projection Committee - to oversee the training and management of projection
Selection Committee - Competitions - The Competition Secretary, together with a team of up to four Members, selects images for entry in external competitions.
Selection Committee - Exhibitions - The Exhibition Secretary, together with up to 4 Members, prepares the annual exhibition on behalf of the Society. The selection of images for inclusion is by competition. The Exhibition Committee will exercise its discretion over the arrangement and number of images that can be displayed. The Exhibition Committee will ensure that the winning images together with a representative selection of members' work will be displayed.
Selection Committee - Panels. A team of between three and five experienced photographers to classify the work of Members applying for classification or re- classification.
- General Meetings
An Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than 31st August in each Season of the Society.
Nominations to the Committee and any Proposals for consideration shall be in the hands of the Secretary 21 days prior to General Meetings.
The Annual General Meeting shall elect the Society's Committee, decide on the subscription rates for the Season and consider any proposals submitted in advance.
The new Committee will take over its duties immediately after the Annual General Meeting.
Extraordinary General Meetings may be convened by the Committee or at the written request of ten voting Members.
Extraordinary General Meetings shall not consider any matter other than that set out as the objects of that General Meeting.
The objects of an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be in the hands of the Secretary 21 days prior to that meeting.
The agendas shall be circulated to all voting Members 7 days before a General Meeting.
A quorum at a General Meeting shall be 25% of the voting Membership.
Voting will be by a simple majority of Members present, except in the case of changes to this constitution or the winding up of the Society when a two-thirds vote shall be required. In the event of a tie, the Chair shall have a casting vote.
- Winding Up
In the event of the Society being wound up, its assets shall be transferred to the Surrey Photographic Association, or other charitable organization, as decided by the final meeting.
Last modified Sept 4th 2023: Stephen Hewes